Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

Peak Performance | Cuyahoga Falls & Greater Akron, OH

Peak Performance

Peak performance simply means further optimizing an already incredible body and mind. Do you ever wish you could access “the zone” whenever you wanted? Neurofeedback peak performance training gives you an edge above and beyond your competitors. Increase energy, sharpen focus, improve memory, perform better under pressure, enhance creativity, sharpen intuition and improve multi-tasking abilities.

Who utilizes Peak Performance Training?

Professional athletes, Navy Seals, NASA, entrepreneurs, professionals, musicians and high performers from all walks of life.


Neurofeedback training allows us to enhance certain types of brain wave activity that allow us to feel calm, in control and focused. Relax in our comfortable and professional environment as you play “brain games” and watch videos that train you to control your own mental activity. Pretty cool huh?

How can BIOFEEDBACK help?

HRV Biofeedback is designed to help calm the sympathetic nervous system. Biofeedback training can be incredibly helpful in allowing us to perform at our highest level while in a pressure-filled and stress-inducing environments.

How can COUNSELING help?

Counselors are essentially professional, masters-level-trained coaches. We can help you plan and execute your goals, identify areas in your life to improve to benefit your overall well being and hold you accountable to making the changes you want in your life.