Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

Cognitive Decline Treatment | Cuyahoga Falls & Greater Akron, OH

Cognitive Decline

We know what happens  to the EEG in normal aging: overall power is reduced and the brain’s idle speed slows. Symptoms can begin to occur including forgetfulness, short-term memory loss, and decreased problem solving abilities. Many choose to “write off” these common symptoms of aging and do nothing about it. Early intervention is important, and for those who choose to take charge of their cognitive health, we can offer solutions.

Research has begun to show that EEG patterns associated with cognitive decline and dementia can be reversed and/or slowed through neurofeedback!

Additionally, in Dr. Dale Bredesen’s groundbreaking work (see his book, “The End of Alzheimer’s” ) he proposes that dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease can very often be prevented if not reversed by making important changes to lifestyle habits. We can help you navigate these lifestyle changes or get you in contact with local medical professionals trained in Dr. Bredesen’s protocols.


Neurofeedback is a learning process using cutting-edge technology that allows us to rebalance our brain wave activity. It is a promising approach to harness neuroplasticity (our brain’s natural ability to grow and change) and improve function in the aging brain for cognitive decline prevention and treatment.


One of the most important aspects of brain health is improving our ability to manage stress. Chronic, low-grade stress wreaks havoc on the brain and body and literally shrinks the hippocampus (memory center of the brain) over time. Biofeedback is a technique that teaches you to control your body’s stress response and release the effects of chronic stress. This often results in improved sleep, improved emotional regulation and increased ability to focus/concentrate— thereby also improving memory.


We combine neuroscience, advanced technologies and holistic approaches with traditional talk-therapy. This innovative combination allows individuals to get a jump start on feeling better with neurofeedback along with the support and care of a trained clinical professional. We help identify your areas for improvement and hold you accountable to the changes you want to make.