Modern, holistic mental health and wellbeing

Trauma Treatment | Cuyahoga Falls & Greater Akron, OH

Trauma and PTSD

Trauma can occur in many shapes and forms but the results are very predictable. Neuroscience has shown us that traumatic experiences literally change the brain and the way it functions. Trauma memories become “trapped” in the limbic system of the brain (the fear/survival center) and causes this area to be chronically on “high alert”. The result is that the brain becomes hypervigilant, always aware and looking out for perceived threats. People feel on-edge, anxious, fearful, have trouble sleeping, are irritable, impulsive and irrational at times, may engage in self-destructive behaviors or appear to just shut down and isolate.


Neurofeedback works at a deep and subconscious level, creating new pathways and rewiring the limbic system (fear/survival center) of the brain. This process is very effective at calming the “fight or flight” response and allowing the brain to regulate itself. Neurofeedback gives us the power to help people move past traumatic events without necessarily having to talk about them or relive them as is common in traditional therapy.

How can BIOFEEDBACK help?

HRV Biofeedback is designed to help calm the sympathetic nervous system. Many trauma survivors experience elevated anxiety, panic, insomnia and pain issues as a result of their experiences. By calming the SNS we are able to improve symptoms associated with the fight or flight response and increase feelings of wellbeing.

How can COUNSELING help?

When considering neurofeedback for the treatment of trauma, it is imperative that you seek the guidance of a licensed clinician. While neurofeedback is very safe and effective, the process can bring up unexpected emotions and memories, which is why it is so important to have a trained professional to guide you through this process. The combination of cutting edge technologies and traditional talk-therapy approaches provide a customized treatment plan for each individual. This innovative combination allows for the best possible treatment outcomes with the support of a clinically trained professional.

World renowned trauma expert Bessel Van Der Kolk writes about the healing benefits of Neurofeedback in his best-selling book “The Body Keeps the Score”. We highly recommend this incredible resource in learning more about how trauma impacts our brain and body.

Watch Bessel Van Der Kolk speak about neurofeedback and its impact on trauma here.

How Can Other Therapies HelP?

Please see our page EMDR for more information!